Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Facebook, the new personality test

Facebook it's one of the most powerful social network of today, and if you take that to area of psychology  you will see that you can take several aspects into analysis.

For instance, all users can choose the information they want to reveal, the photos that they want all other friends connected to them to see, and so on. 
Based on this factors, one study discovered that Facebook profiles are really good at conveying your real personality.

In the study, taken by University of Maryland, researchers looked at the online profiles of around 236 U.S. college-aged individuals.
The participants also filled out questionnaires designed to measure personality traits including extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness. Observers then rated the personalities of the participants based on the online profiles, and these observations were compared to the results of the personality questionnaires. The researchers found that observers were able to get an accurate read on a person's personality based on their Facebook profile.

Beyond this study, all over the world, began to appear several cases that have been reported on social media, such as employers using the public Facebook profil of the candidates to the job profile to evaluate their personality, as a common personality test.

This may sound awkard or even a invasion of privacy, but you must start to be careful with what you post online, because this type of customs are being increasingly used. 
So, before posting anything or upload any photo, think twice.

In conclusion, take a look at this infographic to fully understand the impact of facebook as a social network.

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