Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Getting a Scholarship in Psychology

Nowadays the research area is highly sought for the by the newly masters or with a PhD, or even people still studing.
In order to pay for tuition, books and other expenses, students need to thoroughly explore a variety of funding options. Scholarships are one of the best ways to obtain extra money for college, but students are often unsure about where exactly to find scholarships for which they qualify.
But, how can you get a scholarship in psychology? What kind of requirements must you have in order to fulfill an application?
First step must me looking for information about opening of contests and research scholarships, you may start with  your school's information board, Online databases our with your school's guidance counselor.
Students interested in psychology are often dismayed to find few scholarships targeted directly at psychology majors. However, with a little effort and investigation, you can uncover financial awards that are right for your needs. Don't get discouraged if your school does not offer any scholarships that are specifically for psychology students. Many scholarships are aimed at students pursing a range of majors. The best advice is to cast a wide net. Find as many scholarships as you can and start completing applications.
Here's some places you may take a look at:
Fast web
Psi Chi
APA (American Psychological Association)

Now, about the requirements, they can be quite much, but for most of them you just need a dregree and some experience in the are. Good luck, fellow!

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